Last Words

After much deliberation, I have decided to retire HollyMannia and move on.

Until our crazy paths cross again...



I don't know about you but I haven't been active with all my internet endeavors for over a month now. There has been a long gap between me posting anything substantial to this blog. More often, I just write things that do not make any sense with internet marketing. I've been into other things and been planning of moving on to something real and tangible.

But I'm not giving up the Holly Mann blog for any reason. I have this started and I will hold on to it. Anyway, it doesn't cost anything to maintain a blog. Maybe just your time.

I often say to myself, words are cheap and blog is free. But actually, they are both free and words are not cheap. Words come with a price and they can cost you a lot if you are not careful with them. That's why there are these terms called libel and slander -- journalism jargons that are household terms. Sometimes, people misuse these words not understanding the fact they can really be complicated and difficult to establish.

Anyway, my point is, I will continue this blog for as long as I could. I'm heading to a different direction at this point in time in my life. But still, I may change my mind. As Judge Judy says, women change their minds -- that's what they do. For that, I have the prerogative to go to any direction at any time as I see fit.


Looking Back

I haven't been writing for some time now because of personal matters and my travel business. (To tell you, the travel industry is at its peak even with the sky rocketing price of gas.) I've taken this hiatus and am glad to get back to internet marketing.

Yesterday, I looked back at the posts I have made to the Hollymannia blog and was surprised to see a number of errors in them. I always try to edit my posts before and even after publishing them but errors are just unavoidable. I have misspelled common words time and again and it is a little disconcerting finding them out later.

That's why in Journalism, we were taught about the importance of proofreading. And it should not be the writer herself who should do so. An article always needs a second eye to be edited. Since I don't have a proofreader, I have to take a keen look and make a double effort in editing my posts.

I have been very selective on the comments that I approve because I don't want Hollymannia to be a venue for advertising and publicity by other marketers and blog authors. (Sorry about that!) I think you can publish your opinions elsewhere as I believe that there is a platform for all ideas even if it is not here.

This blog has been very benefical as well as valuable to me. I have learned different lessons here -- not only about internet marketing but about life as a whole. I appreciate the regular followers as well as the chance readers who encounter this blog everyday for their own purposes. God bless you all and thank you.
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