Yesterday, I received a solicitation letter from a domain name company with a heading: Domain Name Expiration Notice. It's a catch. First of all my domain name is not with them, they just know it's expiring and they want to get my business. They won't
Now, this particular domain that I have is hosted free by another company and somehow, it's just wasting away and I have not done anything with it since last year. I'm surprised that the domain was grabbed by a domain company, it even knows when it expires.
But of course, there shouldn't be any surprises because it is listed in the WHOIS directory. My name and address is even out there. I'm thinking the extra money that you pay so you would not be in the WHOIS directory is all worth it. Upon signing up with a domain name in any company, you will be asked if you want it. I don't think it is offered with a free hosting just like what I have.
I have been thinking of removing and cancelling this domain account for a long time. There are just a few kind-of-complicated steps to do that's why I've been procrasinating on it. But today, it could be my project. Or it could be not. It's free, why would I get rid of it?
The thing about free hosting though, even if it is ad-free, is that you are so limited with what you can do on the site itself. And you can't place Google ads and interactive affiliate links on it, too. The more restrictions you have, the less productive the website becomes.
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