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After much deliberation, I have decided to retire HollyMannia and move on.

Until our crazy paths cross again...


How good is usfreeads?

My last post was about classified ads and I tested this a little bit (p. 21 of Honest Riches 2007, Holly Mann) in order for me to know what work and what don't. And I come to the conclusion now that one cannot get away with a free system and make money out of it. As outlined in Holly Mann's ebook, Honest Riches, the first chapter is about making money without having a website and not making money without any capital at all.

I found as one of best classified ads site mentioned by Holly Mann. And you know very well, reading from my posts here that I would not vouch for a product if it is not really good. The downside of it, is that it is a paid classified ad service. You cannot maximize the full potential of the classified advertising system of usfreeads without signing up for the gold or premium membership. As a matter of fact, I tried the free membership and although it was picked by Google the following day, it was useless because there was no link and usfreeads admin later disapproved it anyway. I read the terms and conditions and it says that if you intend to put affiliate links on the classified ads, you should have a paid membership.

I just also found out that Holly Mann has released Honest Riches 2008. I'm still holding a copy of Honest Riches 2007 which I just printed a week ago and now there is a newer version. I'm not surprised though. There are several information on Honest Riches 2007that is no longer valid. Like a one-day subscription of WordTracker. Plus there is no more trial version which is limited. It is replaced by a full trial version for seven days but you have to give your credit card number.

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