Last Words

After much deliberation, I have decided to retire HollyMannia and move on.

Until our crazy paths cross again...


Aim and Fire

I communicated with the programmer at Scriptlance today. And for the first time, he asked me specific questions about what I want for the site, like color and placement. It's taking shape now. Not really the way I would imagine it would look but it's okay. I think of it as letting an artist draw what I want. Whatever comes up is his own but my concepts. I hope the website will look better than what it is right now.

It's my first time ever to commission someone to do my website. I'm very hands on. I do everything. But Holly Mann, author of the eBook, Honest Riches said I can benefit from outsourcing my internet projects. Especially if it is too much to handle. I chose to go to Scriplance following Holly Mann's recommendation. My experience is not really that wonderful. I had problems with the programmer. I believe this is a case-to-case scenario. Like for some people, their Scriptlance experience would be splendid. Not for me. But I do think I selected a good programmer. It's out of my control if he was having issues with his family. That got in the way in delivering my website soon enough. Actually 26 days compared to 3 days is a lot of day-difference. (On his bid he put 3 days to accomplish the website.) But what can I do? I already escrowed the payment. I just have to keep my fingers crossed that at the end of these all, the website will be good.

Each morning as I wake up I hope there is a development that took place to my site. It's the first site I visit when I turn on the PC. It's always a disappointment. In a larger scale, I'm still thinking if internet marketing is right for me. I know I work hard on it but things just arent right. Things tend to go wrong and it is beyond my reach. I kind of envy successful online entrepreneurs. Top on my list is Holly Mann who authored the eBook Honest Riches. She really made it. Should I follow the steps in her eBook or not? I don't know. Whether I did, there blunders and then discouragement follows.

There was a song I listened to on a cable music channel that says be fearless. It's a teenage song and I think it applies to me right now. I mean I need to be fearless and just do what it takes. Even if it took all my time and finances. Even if it took all my enthusiasm. For me, doing this whole internet marketing is like a shooting game. I aim without seeing the target; and I fire without knowing if I have the right gun. Now, that statement is a Holly Mann Blog original. Remember that you first read it here.

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